Moon Rabbit Cookie Cake, Rice Cake, Cookie Run Kingdom
With the latest Sugar Gnomes’ Holiday Cake Shop event, you will be asked to prepare a lot of different cakes. Every visitor will have their own preferences and, you have to admit, some of them is hard to please. Cookie Run Kingdom Moon Rabbit Cookie Cake guide will show you how to complete the Rice Cake, or should we say, Wice cake. This order has an interesting twist, and if you don’t follow our guide you’ll not end up with the 5 Hearts Review.

Cookie Run Kingdom Moon Rabbit Cookie Cake Order and Recipe for the Rice Cake
You’ll come across many different customers in Holiday Cake Shop, during Stories by the Fireplace update. When Moon Rabbit Cookie enters the store, he’ll ask you for a “Wice cake”. In her own words: “Full moon Wice cakes are the Beft! Gimme wice cakes, pwease!” Unlike any previous customer, this time there is a huge twist in this order. So, let’s begin!
You will have two choices on the screen. If you click on the green one (But we don’t have any, Should I offer regular cake instead….?), it will be a huge mistake! You will get only 1 star review. Thus, your solution is to click on the yellow button (S-sorry! We don’t have any rice cakes….). Moon Rabbit will be sad, but once you convince him that your regular cakes are just as good as the Rise cake, she will be pleased with any cake.
Your last step is to prepare any white cake for Moon Rabbit Cookie. You’ll have no trouble getting a 5 Heart review even with a simple Silky Milk Cream, with no toppings or frosting. But, if you want to be creative, decorate it with some toppings and blueberry frostings. Again, the only important thing is not to click on the green button choice!