MK11 Skeleton Key Locations - Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt
Skeleton Keys are items you can find in the Krypt in Mortal Kombat 11. The MK11 Krypt Skeleton Keys are extremely rare drops, and unlock specific gates strewn across the Krypt. Since they’re a new type of item in the franchise, naturally, people have been wondering about where to find and how to get MK11 Krypt Skeleton Keys, as well as how to use them. If you’re having trouble figuring out Skeleton Keys, then our MK11 Skeleton Key Locations – Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt guide is the place for you.

Where to Find & How to Get Skeleton Keys in MK11 Krypt?
To find Skeleton Keys in the Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt, you’re going to have to farm the different chests in the Krypt. For the most part, the Skeleton Keys are a random drop in the Krypt, so you’re going to have to grind them out and pray to the gods of RNG. That is, with the exception of one key, which you can find in one of the chests in the first major area of the Krypt, the Palace Entrance (Chest #7 in the map below).

Incidentally, in that same chest, you’re also gonna get the Demoralizer Rifle for Erron Black. For more details, I invite you to check out our Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt Chest Locations – Koin, Soul Fragment, Heart Chests guide. So, yeah, that’s the only Skeleton Key in the Krypt in Mortal Kombat 11 that you can count on; the others you can only get by opening any of the hundred of chests in the Krypt. They are a very rare drop, but then again, your goal is to open all the chests eventually anyway, so you’ll get them eventually.
How to Use MK11 Krypt Skeleton Keys?
To use the Skeleton Keys in the Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt, you have to come close to the gates that they open, and complete the button prompt in order to open them. The gates in question, as you can see in the example below, have a spiked wheel-looking design in the center, with an empty, circular slot in the middle. They kinda resemble the gates that you open with Scorpion’s Spear, but you can clearly see the difference at second glance.

Now, these gates that you open with the Skeleton Keys can lead either into rooms full of chests, or they can open certain shortcuts within the Krypt. If you’re going to spend Skeleton Keys, I’d recommend first saving them up to open shortcuts, and later focus on opening the chest rooms. It’ll save you time and patience.
I found mine in the green chests. I was actually goi bf through the same struggle. I saw the skeleton key and almost peed myself
I’ve found at least 4 skeleton keys in goros lair
I only have two gates to open near the Jails, and I’ve opened all the chests inside the Krypt. It seems that replenishing the Krypts from Kronika’s time machine thing isn’t yielding many results. Is there any other possible way to get these Skeleton Keys?
I have reset the krypt 2 times and the last skeleton key i need refuses to appear. I’m quite mad too.
The same thing has happened to me. I’ve reset the krypt like 5 times and still missing the last key
I’ve spent more than 25 mil. unlocking chests that I used kronica’s dial to replenish and still have not gotten any key. I have only the jail cell walkway to unlock and this has quickly pissed me off.
Me neither.
I have opened every chest and still not found the skeleton key
Since the last update they patched the skeleton key pick ups and now seem to be ultra rare. But still have not found any.
You can find the keys everywhere in the krypt. They are random drops but drop more often in chest that cost less money