MK11 How to Beat Kronika - Mortal Kombat 11
Kronika is the final boss in Mortal Kombat 11. She’s the Keeper of Time and mother of the two Elder Gods. Needless to say, she’s a tough opponent. The fight against her has several phases, with other character intervening on her behalf between them. You’ll basically have to defeat her, like, seven times before she drops dead. If you’re having trouble defeating her, this guide will show you how to beat Kronika in Mortal Kombat 11.

How to defeat Kronika?
We’ve seen a couple of people beating her with Liu Kang, and it’s a bit cheesy. However, if you’re looking for a guide, you’re probably past the point of being too proud to cheese. On lower difficulties, you can just wait for an in, then spam a combination of high or low kick, followed by a flying kick. Be patient and try not to overextend, and it’ll be done in five or six minutes.
However, on higher difficulties, she seems to play more aggressively. You might have to wait a while before you get an opening, but it’s crucial that you close the distance as soon as you can. Start throwing punches, and she’ll put up her block. Keep hitting her with two punches, followed by a brief pause. The pause will eventually make her drop her guard. As soon as a punch connects, perform a high or low kick, followed by a flying kick.
Simply keep repeating this until the fight is over. The only real risk here is when the phases change, and you have to close the distance again. Be vigilant and stay on your toes. Use the cutscenes to stretch or take a breather or whatever. If you have a better tactic you want to recommend, you can do so in the comments.
After reading what was said above I tried it and the two punches n wait was risky and took some on your toes i have a better way using the same principle. Get her in the corner first will make it easier but just repeat “Chinese Warrior” until she dies. She may block the first two attack of the combo but kang pauses rigjt before the last kick which makes it the perfect timing for her dropping her guard it also launches her so soon the combo is done wait a sec she’ll will get up (or appear) then just repeat. I got a flawless on her soo
I beat her using Scorpion and just kept switching sides. It took several tries but worked.
Oh, that’s a classic cheese.
How did you get to fight her using scorpion
I used a combination of ^ down teleporting , with >y to break her guard then an uppercut and then teleport again
Holy crap this worked so well. Thx dude!
Thanks man