MK1 Winter Fatality
In our MK1 Winter Fatality guide, we are going to show you how to get the Christmas Fatality in Mortal Kombat 1, as well as how to do it (aka what the button input is). It’s all pretty easy once you know how everything works. Especially when it comes to obtaining the fatality; that’s the easiest part of the whole thing. Let’s begin.

How to Get the MK1 Winter Fatality
I’m pretty sure you know how to get the MK1 Winter Fatality, or Christmas Fatality, or whatever you want to call it. You have to buy it as a part of the infamous Fatality Seasonal Bundle. I’m not sure whether it will be available as a separate purchase. If you’ve already bought the bundle, then it will unlock as soon as the right update drops. This is most likely going to be on December 14th, which is when Season 2 is going to kick off. I believe that update is also going to bring Quan Chi in as well. It just kills me to see how much the new Mortal Kombat games drip feed people content for exorbitant prices. Ten bucks for three animations is shameless, let alone the previous thirty dollars.
How to Do the Winter Fatality MK1
UPDATE: To do the MK1 Winter or Christmas Fatality, you do indeed have to stand a mid distance away, hold block (R1 / Right Trigger / ZR) and then press Forward twice. I was right on the money. Original text follows.
At time of writing, we don’t know how to do the MK1 Winter Fatality or Christmas Fatality, because it hasn’t dropped yet. We’ll update the guide with exact info as soon as we figure it out. However, based on the Halloween and Thanksgiving, it’s probably going to be holding block (R1 or right trigger) and hitting two directions. Maybe Forward Forward, maybe Back Back, maybe Up Down, maybe Down Up. We’ll have to wait and see, but I guarantee it’s going to be pretty easy. Nothing that requires any particular dexterity or anything like that. At least you’ll get to easily access your obscenely expensive animation.