MK1 Palm Klue Solution
The MK1 Palm Klue solution we’re talking about is the riddle with the full name of ->->->->-> Palm. In this guide, we will explain how to solve this Klue in Mortal Kombat 1 and show you a list of all the rewards you’ll get for doing so. This one is actually kinda fun, even if it does require you to use one of the lamest characters in MK history.

How to Solve MK1 Palm Klue
Before we explain the solution to the Mortal Kombat 1 or MK1 Palm Klue, we do have to point out we mean the riddle whose full name is ->->->->-> Palm. Compared to Heated Exchange and Outta Nowhere, this is actually a decent and somewhat clever clue. What they actually mean by this is that you need to do the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart thing, as seen in Kill Bill 2. There is only one character that can do this, and it’s Shujinko. Have him as the Kameo character and, when you get to the finishing screen, do his Five-Point Strike Fatality (Down, Back, Down, R1 / RB at mid distance). It might take you a few tries until you get the distance and timing right, but you’ll get it eventually.
Mortal Kombat 1 Palm Klue Rewards
The rewards you get for solving the Palm Klue in MK1 or Mortal Kombat 1 in the list below, now that you know the solution. As I’ve said time and again, it’s always the same basic set of stuff: a new skin, a special item, and some Seasonal Kredits. And before I sign out, I do have to mention that the tile of this riddle is in the Ramparts in Invasion. It’s a new space added in Season 4: The Huntress. The tile’s name is What’s the Point. With all of that said, here’s the full list of rewards.
- Hunter Slitherer Reptile Skin
- Deranged Booster Legendary Consumable
- 500x Seasonal Kredits