MK1 Omhe Nru Klue Solution
In our MK1 Omhe Nru Klue Solution guide, we are going to show you how to solve the Omhe Nru Klue in Mortal Kombat 1 and list the rewards you get for completing the mission. This one is one of the more esoteric puzzles, truly. While the anagram is not that difficult, it tells you next to nothing about what you actually have to do. That’s where we come in.

How to Solve MK1 Omhe Nru Klue
The solution to the Omhe Nru Klue in MK1 or Mortal Kombat 1 is an anagram, as is the case with a lot of these riddles. When we rearrange the letters into the proper order, we get “Home Run.” If anything, that leaves us with even less of an answer. What you actually have to do is use Darrius, one of the most useless characters in the MK canon, as your Kameo fighter and use his punny “Armed & Dangerous” Fatality. During the “Finish Him” screen, stand at mid range and press Down, Back, Forward + R1 or RB. See how he knocks the opponent’s head off using their own arms? That’s what the baseball reference was pointing towards.
In case you were wondering which tile has this riddle, it’s the one called Who’s Next. It’s in the Sun Do Festival section, next to a cart that’s blocking your way to the chest. Said cart gets deleted with lightning when you solve the puzzle.
Mortal Kombat 1 Omhe Nru Klue Rewards
Now that we know the solution to the Omhe Nru Klue in MK1 or Mortal Kombat 1, what are the rewards you’ll get for your troubles? It’s the usual combination (kombination?) of skins, Seasonal Kredits, and an item, as listed below. In this case, it features a really cool, gothic skin for Sindel that I like a lot. But even if you don’t care much for the cosmetics, the Kredits are always welcome, right? If you want to learn more about the riddles in Invasion, check out our All Mortal Kombat 1 Klue Solutions guide.
- Vermilion Queen Sindel Skin
- Windbreaker Legendary Talisman
- Grisly Lightning Common Raiden Palette
- Five Hundred Seasonal Kredits