MK1 Nether Stone in Invasion Mode
Invasion Mode is a very fun and engaging way to play Mortal Kombat 1. In this cross between an RPG and a board game, you will have many different challenges that you’ll need to overcome in order to advance through all of the stages. For example, on just about every map in Invasion mode, you’ll come across locked gates which state that you need a Nether Stone to be able to pass them. But where can you find the Nether Stone in MK1 Invasion Mode? We have the answer to that question right here, so read on to learn everything you need to know about how to get the Nether Stone in MK1.

How to Get Nether Stone in Invasions Mortal Combat
To get the MK1 Invasions Nether Stone item, you have to basically complete the Invasion Mode itself. So advance through all of the different stages and maps until you reach the Fire Temple. This is where you will face Scorpion. He is the final boss, and once you defeat him, you will also get the Nether Stone. Now that you have the Nether Stone in your possession, the next step is to do some backtracking.

So go back to every map and look for the previously-locked gates and areas and you will see that you can now access them without any problems. And if you are apprehensive about using this item for fear that it is going to disappear once you’ve used it and that you’ll need to repeat the entire process from beginning to end to get another one – don’t be, the Nether Stone is a multiple use item. To summerize: to obtain the Nether Stone in Mortal Kombat 1, you have to beat the final boss of this game mode – Scorpion – after which you’ll acquire the Nether Stone.