Overwatch 2 Steam DLC Not Working, Missing Invasion Bundle
A lot of players are complaining about the missing Overwatch 2 Invasion DLC Bundle on Steam not working. In fact, we are among them; we paid fair and square for that content and got jack squat. It’s difficult to ascertain what is the cause of the bug, and nobody has come out with a solution at time of writing. So, what exactly is going on and is there anything you can do about it? Let’s discuss what we know so far.

Overwatch 2 Missing Invasion Bundle on Steam
If your Invasion Bundle DLC is missing in Overwatch 2 on Steam, there are a few things you have to check. Namely, the first thing is to check whether your Steam and Battle.net accounts are connected. Long into your Battle.net account, click on your profile and head to Account Settings. Click on Connections and scroll down until you find Steam. Click “Connect” and you will be taken to Steam and prompted to log in again. You’ll then have to sign into Battle.net using your Steam credentials, and you can figure it out from there. If you don’t jump through all of these hoops, it can cause problems including with extra content you purchase.
In case your Overwatch 2 Invasion Bundle DLC is still missing on Steam, check whether you actually got charged. If not, then it’s possible that there was some kind of server error during the processing of the transaction. The solution here is simple; just try again. On the other hand, if they did charge you and you still don’t have the bundle, then it’s possible that another server error broke the system. Except, you know, they took your money and you got nothing. If that is what happened, try contacting Blizzard Support and hope for the best. As soon as there’s a more concrete solution, we’ll be sure to update the guide with more info.
UPDATE: according to crawleycreative on Reddit, there is a method that can help with this issue. First off, log into Battle.net, The bundle will be missing. So, log out and then back in through Steam. The bundle should finally be there.