Minecraft Dungeons Artifacts Locations
Artifacts are a type of item in Minecraft Dungeons. You can equip up to three, and each one will give you a new skill. They’ll either increase your stats, change your attack or summon creatures on your behalf. There are dozens of them, found throughout the game’s many areas. If you’re wondering what each one of them does or where to find them, this guide will tell you all about Minecraft Dungeons artifacts locations.

Where to find artifacts
You can equip up to three artifacts at a time, and they’ll give you a new skill or change the way your attack works. They can be of different levels and rarities, both of which affect the intensity and duration of the effects. One thing that doesn’t change are the effects themselves. You can get artifacts from chests, fallen enemies and other loot sources. They appear randomly, however, the areas in which they show up are set in stone. Here’s a list of all the artifacts in the game, what they do and where to look for them.
Name | Effect | Location |
Boots of Swiftness | Increases movement speed | Creeper Woods Creepy Crypt Desert Temple |
Corrupted Beacon | Shoots a beam that damages enemies continuously | Pimpkin Pastures Cacti Canyon Redstone Mines |
Death Cap Mushroom | Increases attack and movement speed | Creeper Woods Highblock Halls |
Fireworks Arrow | Shoots an exploding arrow | Redstone Mines Highblock Halls |
Fishing Rod | Pulls an enemy towards you and stuns them | Creepy Crypt Soggy Swamp |
Flaming Quiver | Gives you several burning arrows | Pumpkin Pastures Fiery Forge |
Ghost Cloak | Allows you to move through enemies for a while | Creepy Crypt |
Harvester | Uses souls to create an explosion | Soggy Swamp Redstone Mines |
Iron Hide Amulet | Increases defense | Fiery Forge |
Light Feather | Allows you to stun enemies and knock them back | Pumpkin Pastures Arch Haven Highblock Halls |
Lightning Rod | Uses souls to call down lightning bolts | Soggy Swamp Obsidian Pinnacle |
Love Medallion | Charm a number of enemies to make them fight for you | Arch Haven Highblock Halls |
Shock Powder | Stuns enemies in a radius | Desert Temple Obsidian Pinnacle |
Tasty Bone | Summons a wolf | Creeper Woods Creepy Crypt Redstone Mines |
Torment Quiver | Fires a piercing knockback arrow | Creeper Woods Desert Temple |
Totem of Regeneration | Heals everyone in a radius | Soggy Swamp Fiery Forge |
Totem of Shielding | Protects everyone in a radius from projectiles | Cacti Canyon Desert Temple |
Wind Horn | Knocks enemies back and slows them down | Pumpkin Pastures Arch Haven Cacti Canyon |
Wonderful Wheat | Summons a llama | Arch Haven Cacti Canyon Obsidian Pinnacle |