Merge Mansion Valentine's Day Event 2023

In our Merge Mansion Valentine’s Day Event 2023 guide, we are going to cover everything we know about the happening at time of writing. We will talk about when the event is going to begin and what you can expect to see in it, both in terms of story and gameplay. Let’s dive in!

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merge mansion valentines day event 2023
Merge Mansion Valentine’s Day Event 2023

Valentine’s Day Event in Merge Mansion

The 2023 Merge Mansion Valentine’s Day event is going to kick off on February 3rd, and at time of writing, we don’t know when it’s going to end. Based on previous Valentine’s events, it will probably last for a few weeks. Therefore, it’s more of a Valentine’s Month happening, so to speak. It all begins with the release of the Sweethearts’ Season pass, where you can unlock all sorts of things by merging Valentine-themed items on your main board. Next comes the Pearl of the Board, with completely different items to merge and rewards to obtain. Last, but not least, is the Valentine’s Garage Cleanup. There, you will feed lines with items from the aforementioned merge boards to earn yet more rewards (and clean up the boards in the process).

Those are pretty much all of the details we know about the 2023 Valentine’s Day event in Merge Mansion. Story-wise, according to the official video announcement, you’ll get to meet Deb Boulton. This is grandma Ursula’s older sister, and she’s dead-set on finding true love. She will host a ball, where all eligible single people from Hopewell Bay will be. The organizer of the event is Pearl Wu, who is apparently the best party planner in town. Needless to say, Ursula is probably not going to be too stoked about a single’s ball being thrown in the mansion, so I’m sure hijinks of some sort are going to ensue. With all of that said, we’ll be sure to update this guide with more details when and if necessary.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. S

    Same..I can’t get the spa. My spa vouchers don’t do anything. Please help.

    1. A

      You have to add items to it first. Click on the spa ticket and it will show you what items you need to drag onto it

      1. E

        How do I get a level 1 love letter????

        1. N
          Nancy K

          You will earn the love letter (Level 1) as a reward following a task.

  2. M
    Michelle Davis

    How do I get day spa