Merge Mansion Spring Jacket, Spring Tool Box
The Merge Mansion Spring Jacket and Spring Tool Box are both rewards you can get in the 2022 Spring event. In fact, you can get the former by merging certain items you get from the latter. We’re going to explain the whole process of how to get the Spring Tool Box and Spring Jacket in this guide. Let’s begin!

How to Get Spring Tool Box & Spring Jacket in Merge Mansion
To get the Spring Tool Box and the Spring Jacket in Merge Mansion, you have to play the 2022 Spring Holiday event. First of all, you get the Spring Tool Box from certain tasks in the event, such as “Divine, Natural Bling.” Next, you have to level the box up to level 2 using a lightning card. From the second level Spring Tool Box, you can get Spring Tool Level 1, Spring Tool Level 2, and Garden Boots, aka yellow rubber boots. Merging two pairs of Garden Boots is how you create the Spring Jacket, which is basically a yellow raincoat. And that’s basically all there is to it. Not that you won’t have to do a fair amount of grinding to get all the necessary “ingredients,” of course.
So, yeah, that’s how you get the Merge Mansion Spring Tool Box and the Spring Jacket in the 2022 Spring Holiday Event. If you want to know more details about the happening, check out the link we’ve provided up top. There are many different other rewards that you can earn through this. Naturally, there are some prerequisites you need to meet before being able to participate, but it will be worth it. You can get things like Coins, Unlimited Energy for a few minutes, Scissors, Time Skips, Chests, Booster Boxes, and more. Do keep in mind that the challenges are kinda difficult, though.