Merge Mansion Moths Not Dropping Silk Bug
If your Merge Mansion Moths are not giving Silk after the November 2023 update, you are not alone. The next major content drop has just landed in Merge Mansion. And while most players are enjoying and exploring new stuff, some are unfortunately suffering from some rather unpleasant bugs. As we’ve already mentioned, Moths are not dropping Silk currently. Read on as we explain what we know about this.

Merge Mansion Moths Not Dropping Silk After the Update
Let’s not beat around the bush. We will not lie to you. Currently, to the best of our knowledge, there is no solution for the “Moths Not Dropping Silk” bug. While the developers state that the latest update has fixed numerous bugs and glitches, it also seems that they have introduced at least one new bug. And this bug is related to a bug (sorry, I had to). “Hello. After the update, my Max Level 6 Moth will not provide Yarns. My current mission requires Yarn, and I can’t do it. Is anyone else experiencing this, ” asks Facebook user Bintu Fatmata. “I’ve tried to contact the developers, but I received an automated message that they will respond in 48 hours. Now I’m unable to play.”
Players with similar issues are reporting the big across the Merge Mansion subreddit and the Discord server. As we’ve already mentioned, there is currently no workaround to bypass this bug. Hence, the only advice we can give to you is to wait and not make Level 6 Moths for Silk until they fix the issue. Some players suggest that selling them and then using undo can fix the issue, but others report that they are still not working properly. You can try, but we can not guarantee that it works. The good news is that the developers have responded. They have acknowledged the “Moths Not Dropping Silk” bug, and are working on fixing it!
As well as the moths but I’m also unable to break watermelons down past the halves. (Since the update)