Medium Collectibles - Echoes, Memory Shards, Postcards, Notes
There are several types of collectibles in The Medium. They include echoes, memory shards, postcards from the groundskeeper, notes from a troubled man, photos, eerie drawings and more. Getting them will provide you additional insight into the story, and some of them are tied to achievements like Calling Out to Me, Puzzling Out the Past, Devouring Darkness, An Unknown Outcome and All That’s Left Unsaid. Many of them are in obvious places, almost impossible to miss, but many more are well hidden and off the beaten path. If you have trouble finding them, our Medium collectible locations guide will point you in the right direction.

NOTE: This guide is a work in progress. We’ll update it with more locations as we progress. Stay tuned.
Echo locations
Echoes are by far the most numerous collectibles in the game. There’s about thirty of them in total. Here’s where to find them:
- Echo #1 – Next to the phone on the parking lot of the Niwa Hotel.
- Echo #2 – On the shoe you find when you enter the hotel using the dumpster.
- Echo #3 – Before dropping down the hole from the second floor of the hotel, look for a telephone in the room past the bathroom.
- Echo #4 – In Ursula’s room, on a bottle of pills on the bathroom sink.
- Echo #5 – In the bathroom after using the razor for the first time.
Memory shard locations
There are only ten memory shards, which makes them easier to collect, but also easier to miss – they’re not as abundant as echoes. Here’s where to find them:
- Memory Shard #1 – In Ursula’s room, the book to the left of the vase.
- Memory Shard #2 – Next to the dried sunflower.
- Memory Shard #3 – In the Dayroom, the bag of IV fluid.
- Memory Shard #4 – In the piano room, after solving the puzzle.
Mentor’s diary locations
Mentor’s diaries tell their own special story, and each of them is a different entry of the titular journal. Here’s where they are:
- An Apology – In the bathroom of Urusla’s room.
- Throwing Away Greatness – In the Dayroom, by the drawing of a horse.
- A Very Special Boy – On the couch near the drawing of the horse in the Dayroom.
- A Well of Inspiration – In the Dayroom, near the music sheet pinned to the wall.
Notes from a troubled man locations
Thomas’ notes will provide you more insight into his character, and his motivations. There’s more than a dozen of them, most of them in the latter stages of the game. Here’s where to look:
- To Do List – On the desk in Thomas’ office.
- Getting Stronger – On the floor in Thomas’ darkroom.
Postcards from the groundskeeper locations
Another distinct type of collectible, the postcards from the groundskeeper also focus on a single person’s descent. There’s ten of them around the game’s world, and here’s where you should look for them:
- Niwa Says Hello – In the gatehouse at the Niwa gate.
- Honest Work – In a car in the parking lot of the Niwa Hotel.
- Promotion – In an ashtray near the broken stairs in the hotel lobby.