Maneater Sapphire Bay Collectible Locations - Nutrient Caches, Licence Plates, Landmarks
Sapphire Bay collectibles in Maneater include the likes of nutrient Caches, Landmarks, and Licence Plates. Finding all of them is important for the sake of completion, yes, but all of these collectibles also grant you various necessary upgrade materials, new mutations, and more. So, we’ve put together our Maneater Sapphire Bay Collectible Locations – Nutrient Caches, Licence Plates, Landmarks guide to show you where you can find them all.

Maneater Nutrient Caches Locations in Sapphire Bay
Nutrient Caches in Maneater in Sapphire Bay, like in every other region in this game, contain goodies for your shark. On the map, they appear as grey chests, and, honestly, that’s kinda what they look like in the game proper, too. Most of the time, they’re underwater, and usually hidden in some way. However, if you explore the area with any degree of care, you’ll find them all just fine. There’s a total of nineteen of them, so it’s gonna be an undertaking.
Sapphire Souvenirs Maneater Licence Plates
The Sapphire Souvenirs Licence Plates in Maneater are exactly what they sound like – giant licence plates floating in the air, reminding me very much of collectibles from old Tony Hawk games. They are impossible to miss, regardless of whether they’re on land or under the sea. On the map, they, of course, also appear as licence plates. Out of all the stuff you can find in Maneater, these are by far the easiest to spot. That said, some of them that are on land can be very difficult to reach until you master the art of jumping and upgrade it sufficiently.
Sapphire Bay Landmarks in Maneater
There’s a total of eight landmarks that you can find in Sapphire Bay in Maneater. A bunch of them are references to various things, with varying levels of cleverness. On the map, they appear as upside-down tears (or those red markers on Google Maps, if you will). To “discover” a landmark, you have to destroy the rickety, glowing road signs next to them. Finding them all unlocks the Shadow Body mutation.
- Confirmed – A large structure that looks like a weird merry-go-round with the Illuminati eye on the top.
- Fyre Sale- A decrepit, abandoned music festival site and fun dig on the Fyre Festival disaster.
- Kill the Pig – A whole bunch of spears and bones and a pig head on a spike. Lord of the Flies, anyone?
- Centrifugeitive – A sunken Ferris wheel, there due to very lax safety standards
- Washed Away – The recreation of Tom Hanks’s primitive camp from Cast Away.
- There’s Always Money Here – A banana-shaped stand marked “Biff’s” that once sold frozen bananas before it sunk, apparently.
- Family Fun – The large homeless town under the pier.
- One of These Things Is Not Like The Others – A cute, rinky-dink boat that stands out from the rest of the highfalutin fancy ones.