Maneater Muskie Business Hunted Muskellunge Location
Muskie Business in Maneater is one of the quests that you have to complete, and it requires you to hunt and kill the Hunted Muskellunge boss. The Muskie Business quest is fairly simple; you have to follow the blue exclamation point and murder the fish that has the same mark above it. However, considering the several different muskellunges swimming in the vicinity and attacking you, it can get pretty confusing. So, in our Maneater Muskie Business Hunted Muskellunge Location guide, we’re going to clear things up.

How to Complete Muskie Business Quest in Maneater?
To complete the Muskie Business quest in Maneater, you have to follow the blue exclamation mark on the screen to the Hunted Muskellunge, and killing it. As you can see in the images below, the blue exclamation point will appear on the screen as soon as you unlock the mission. You’ll also have it on the screen in-game, so there’s no way you’ll get lost. When you arrive to the location, you’ll find a whole bunch of muskellunges. Your target is the one called Hunted Muskellunge, but the rest will absolutely try to make your life miserable.
You should treat this encounter as a fairly regular boss fight. It’s just a boss that you don’t fight man-to-man; instead, you have to contend with the additional mobs, too. Now, the boss muskellunge is a level-five enemy. Odds are, you’ll be two or three levels below, but it’s nothing you won’t be able to handle. You need to be quick and precise with your attacks, and dodge incoming muskellunge goons. Focus on the Hunted Muskellunge first and foremost, and you’ll do just fine. When you kill the boss, the quest is over.
And, that’s about it for the Muskie Business quest in Maneater. If you need more help with the game, we’ve got several other Maneater guides for you to check out. For example, we’ve got Infamy Rank & Threat Level – How To Increase and Shark Levels – Teen, Adult, Elder, Mega, with still more coming down the pipeline. Stay tuned.