Maneater Apex Predators - Alligator, Barracuda, Great White, Killer Whale
Apex Predators in Maneater are boss animals that you’ll have to fight in the game. There are seven Apex Predators in Maneater, including an alligator, barracuda, great white shark, orca, and sperm whale. Every one of the Apex Predators rewards you with a powerful evolution, including parts of the Bone Set armor. Plus, each one of them has a specific achievement / trophy that you get for killing them. In our Maneater Apex Predators – Alligator, Barracuda, Great White, Killer Whale guide, we’ll show you where to find them and the rewards for defeating them.

All Apex Predators in Maneater – Rewards & Achievements
There are seven different Apex Predators in Maneater – an alligator, barracuda, mako shark, hammerhead shark, great white shark, orca, and sperm whale. They are unmissable, being a part of the main missions. Defeating each of these bosses grants you a piece of the Bone Armor Set (plus two more evolutions), as well as a corresponding achievement. In the list below, we’re going to tell you which map to find them on, which evolution they give you, and the name of their trophy.
- Apex Alligator – Fawtick Bayou – Amphibious – Gator Meat Trophy
- Apex Barracuda – Dead Horse Lake – Bone Teeth – Delicious Trophy
- Apex Mako – Golden Shores – Bone Fins – Shark on Shark Violence Trophy
- Apex Hammerhead – Sapphire Bay – Bone Body – Pound It Trophy
- Apex Great White – Prosperity Sands – Bone Tail – This Is My Movie Trophy
- Apex Orca / Killer Whale – Caviar Key – Bone Head – Tricks Didn’t Help Ya Trophy
- Apex Sperm Whale – The Gulf – Subliminal Evasion – I Thought You Were Tough Trophy
When you clear out all the Apex Predators, you’ll have the whole Bone Armor set, as previously mentioned, as well as the Subliminal Evasion evolution, which makes hostile fish smaller than 50% of you ignore you, and Amphibious, which lets you stay on land for longer. On top of all of that, you’ll also get the “The New Apex Predator” trophy. That certifies that you’re the biggest beast of the deep, and nobody is to mess with you.
That’s about all there is to it when it comes to Apex Predators in Maneater. If you need more help with the game, we’ve got a whole bunch of other guides for you. To name just three, we’ve written Prosperity Sands Collectible Locations, How to Open Large Gates, and Evolutions & Mutations – How to Unlock.