Madden 24 Failed To Start Game An Unexpected Error Occurred Fix
Madden NFL 24 is the latest game in the long-running sports series published by EA Sports. Each new iteration to the game brings changes such as new gameplay, players, and graphical improvements. Though, there are often problems as well. One such issue comes in the form of players receiving a “Failed To Start Game! An unexpected error occured while starting your game.” error message. And because of this error, you can’t launch the game and start playing it. Needless to say, this is a very big problem, so it’s natural that you want to find a fix for the Madden 24 Failed To Start Game An Unexpected Error Occurred issue. Here’s what you can do to try and resolve it.

Madden 24 Failed To Start Game – An Unexpected Error Has Occurred While Starting Your Game
To begin with, let’s see why this is happening in the first place. The reason why this is occuring is usually due to the game being recently updated. Also, it appears that this problem is more common on the Xbox (last gen and next gen alike) than it is on the PS. So, as for what you can do about it, there are a couple of methods to try out. The first thing is to press exit when this message has appeared and then search for an opponent again. Several players have reported that they managed to get the game to work like this, though it took them 10 to 15 minutes of trying before they were able to fix it.

The next solution comes in the form of resetting your console device. Doing this will reset your device and internet and often fixes the problem. And if none of these have worked, the only solution is to wait until the devs have sorted out this problem on their end. Hopefully, you won’t have to wait too long to be able to play Madden NFL 24 again.