Loot Bags Pet Simulator X How to Get Loot Bags
Knowing how to get Loot Bags in Pet Simulator X is going to be very rewarding for those that go hunting for them. They appear at random when you break certain things in the game, and they can contain all sorts of goodies, depending on the rarity of the bag that you find. Since this is a new item, a lot of regular players are still trying to figure out how it all works. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you out.

How to Get Loot Bags in Pet Simulator X
To get loot bags in Pet Simulator X, you need to break different objects and see whether you find one. These objects include things like vaults, piles of coins, chest, vaults, presents; you get the idea. The problem is that basically everything concerning the Loot Bags is in some way RNG, so telling you where exactly you can find the bags is completely impossible. Basically, just keep breaking the things we told you to, and you’ll be gathering your fair share of Loot Bags. That said, the further along the game you get, the higher rarity tears of bags you’ll get.
For example, bags with blue ribbons are what you might call common Loot Bags. Then, there’s the one with red ribbons (and a slight sparkle), which are rare Loot Bags, and above that is the super rare Loot Bag, which has a purple ribbon and sparkles more. Lastly, there’s the large present with a red ribbon, which kinda counts as one of the Pet Simulator X Loot Bags. The more rare a bag is, the better stuff you’ll get from it, but again, that’s entirely random. May the gods of RNG smile upon you.
Apparently, the addition of Loot Bags is a fix for all the players that are getting rewards by using the AFK exploit. No, I won’t tell you what that is. So, the Loot Bags are supposed to incentivize players to play properly and earn cool rewards on the way. We hope it works.
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