LOL Hullbreaker New Item - League of Legends Patch 11.13
The Hullbreaker is a new item coming to LOL in the upcoming League of Legends patch 11.13, along with a bunch of mobility changes and other tweaks. The new item is going to replace the Sanguine Blade as the new sweetheart for splitpushers. In our LOL Hullbreaker New Item – League of Legends Patch 11.13 guide, we’ll share what we know about the Hullbreaker so far, as well as what else is coming in that patch.
New LOL Hullbreaker Item – Patch 11.13
The new Hullbreaker item in LOL is going to ship in the 11.13 patch, as announced by Phlox via Twitter. The new item will replace the Sanguine Blade, as we’ve said, and will likely become the new go-to for a lot of people that are “AD splitpushers,” as Phlox put it. Interestingly, it is the first item in a while that also interacts with your nearby minions. Why is this going to be the new best friend for those of you that like to push side lanes solo?
Well, to begin with, the Hullbreaker gives you 50 Attack Damage, 400 Health, and 150% Base Health Regen. However, the main draw is its ability, Boarding Party. It grants you 20-45 Armor and Magic Resist, as well as 20% increased damage to towers while no allied champions are nearby. It also grants 20-135 Armor and Magic Resist to nearby large minions, plus 200% increased damage to towers.
League of Legends Patch 11.13
Patch 11.13 in League of Legends is, aside form the new LOL Hullbreaker item, going to introduce a lot of mobility changes that all of you should be aware of. Whether these changes affect characters that you play or not, you won’t want to be caught by surprise. You’ll find the patch notes in the tweet embedded below.
The 11.13 Mobility changes we've been talking about should hit PBE tomorrow, and so we wanted to share out the changelist.
— Jeevun Sidhu (@JeevunSidhu) June 8, 2021
We took each item's win rates into account when making this evaluation, and so some of these are buffs, some are nerfs, and some are power neutral. (1/2)