Lilac Cookie Cake, Cookie Run Kingdom
The Lilac Cookie cake Cookie Run Kingdom order and recipe are one of the cake-baking puzzles or riddles that you have to solve during the holiday event. Like all other cake orders, Lilac’s is somewhat vague. You need to decipher the order without asking any questions to get the highest rating. So, to make things easier, here’s our guide.

Lilac Cookie Cake Order & Recipe, Cookie Run Kingdom
The Cookie Run Kingdom Lilac Cookie cake order requires you to bake a three-tier cake and to make it a “cream-a-palooza,” and you have to figure the recipe out from there. When Lilac comes into the shop and asks for a cake, do not ask for any clarifications. Just hit the green button with the checkmark that says “Okay, I’m on it.” Asking questions automatically locks you out of getting a five-heart rating. I know, it’s pretty brutal, but that’s why we’re here to provide you with a recipe. First off, choose the Vibrant Blueberry Cream cake. Make a three-tiered cake and then proceed to the next step. Decorate the cake with one squeeze from all six icing pipes.
And there you have it, that’s how you solve the Lilac Cookie cake order and recipe in Cookie Run Kingdom. Don’t put any other toppings on; skip over that section completely and wrap the cake up. Enjoy your five-heart rating. It’s not that hard at all, once you figure out what Lilac was actually asking for. With all of that said, if you get stuck on any of the other recipes, check out some of our other guides. We’ve written about a bunch of them, including Carol Cookie Cake, Sorbet Shark Cookie Cake, Vampire Cookie Cake and many others. All of them have cryptic orders, and you may never ask for a clarification if you want that maximum rating.