Last Epoch Speak with the Keeper Guard, Keeper Vault Bug Fix
Is there anything that you can do to fix the Keeper Vault bug where you aren’t able to speak with the Keeper Guard in Last Epoch? As you know, Last Epoch recently came out of Early Access with its 1.0 update. Naturally, this has added a lot of new content into the game and changed around many things. Though, like with every big update such as this, a number of unfortunate bugs have also creeped in. One of these is that you can’t talk to the Keeper Guard during the Keeper Vault quest. As this is a necessary step that you need to do if you want to complete the mission, it’s a very big problem – one that you will want to fix as soon as possible. Here’s how you can resolve and get around this bug.

How to Fix Last Epoch Can’t Speak With the Keeper Guard in Keeper Vault Quest
If you are not getting the option to speak with the Keeper Guard, the solution is to go back to the previous zone, and then come back. Doing this should make it so that you can once again talk to the Keeper Guard and proceed with the quest as you normally would. It seems that most players that have attempted this fix have solved the problem this way. So, hopefully, this will work for you as well. And if, for whatever reason, this fix isn’t helping solve your problem, then the next step is to restart your game and try again.
If neither of these methods have worked, you should contact Last Epoch support for further assistance. As update 1.0 only went live a short while ago, issues such as this are to be expected. But hopefully, the devs are going to fix this problem on their end with a hotfix soon.