Last Epoch LE-61 Failed to Matchmake Error Fix
In our Last Epoch LE-61 Failed to Matchmake Error Fix guide, we are going to give you the solution to this problem. We will also tell you what the most common cause of the issue is. Unfortunately, no fix is guaranteed to work, but it’s worth giving a try. Only if you’re confident with messing around in Command Prompt. Here’s what you need to do.

How to Fix Last Epoch LE-61 Failed to Matchmake Error?
The one fix that has any chance to help with the LE-61 Failed to Matchmake error in Last Epoch is to flush your DNS. Type Command Prompt in the search area of your taskbar. Right-click the Command Prompt and select Run as administrator. Type ipconfig /flushdns into the window and press Enter. You should get a message confirming that your DNS Resolver Cache has been successfully flushed. After that, try to log into Last Epoch again. Obviously, if you’re not comfortable messing with your PC this way, do not do this. Play the game offline instead. Just keep in mind that you can’t use an offline character when playing online, and vice versa. It’s not ideal, but at least you get to play.
So, yeah, that’s the one fix that might work against the Last Epoch LE-61 Failed to Matchmake error. Beyond that, you just have to be patient for the servers to get back to their senses. The most common cause of error LE-61 is server overload, you see. They are… not in a good place right now, which is causing a lot of ire from the fanbase. Hopefully, the developers will be able to wrangle the situation soon, because this is not looking good right now. Be that as it may, another thing you can try is to load into the game with your offline character, then hop to your online character from there. Teleport near the zone you’re trying to get to and just spam-click the entrance. Good luck!