In The Santa Clause, What is Bernard's Gift to Charlie
If you don’t know what is Bernard’s gift to Charlie in The Santa Clause, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’ll give you the correct answer to the quiz question in this guide. It is a pretty easy question if you’ve seen the movie, but from what I can see, it hasn’t really traveled across generations, so to speak. Well, let’s get right into it, shall we?

In The Santa Clause, What is Bernard’s Gift to Charlie?
The question of what is Bernard’s gift to Charlie in The Santa Clause is a part of the Disney 100 TikTok quiz, and it’s actually one of the easier questions we’ve covered. This items is a major plot point in the movie, so if you’ve watched it, you’ll know exactly what this is. It’s the object that little Charlie can use to summon his dad, after Scott accepts his new role in life. Just in case you wanted a hint before we give you the actual correct answer. Still don’t know? That’s fine; we’ve got you covered. It’s the big ole snow globe, that’s what Bernard gives Charlie.
- Snow globe
- Skateboard
- Nutcracker
- Basketball
And there you have it, that’s what is Bernard’s gift to Charlie in The Santa Clause. As I’ve said, it’s a pretty major plot device. For one, Charlie uses the globe to finally convince Scott that he is the new Santa, and that the children of the world need him. It’s pretty incontrovertible evidence. Moreover, Bernard explains that Charlie use the globe to make his dad appear whenever he wants to. Now, when I watched this as a kid, it was just a fun Christmas movie, and now I realize it’s a really obvious metaphor for missing your dad after a divorce. And that endears the movie to me even more. Anyways, if you want to know more about the crossover between Disney and TikTok, you can read the Newsroom post.