How to Use 2 Evolutions in Clash Royale
As any Clash Royale player knows, Card Evolutions provide some of the most powerful – not to mention, fun – units in the game. These fundamentally alter the way that these Cards work, giving them things such as more HP, faster speed and attack, and, most importantly – brand new abilities. It’s these abilities that make these Card Evolutions really worthwhile, since they can make them significantly more powerful and useful. And if you have been playing the long long enough, you have surely encountered players with 2 Evolutions in their Deck. As you can normally only have one Evolution, you are no doubt wondering – how to use and get 2 Evolutions in Clash Royale.

How to Use 2 Evolutions at Once in Clash Royale
To be able to unlock the second Evolution slot, you will first need to reach Level 54. This is when you will then get the option of having two Evolution Cards at once. And while this sounds like it isn’t that difficult to do, the fact of the matter is that you are going to need to play the game for a long time until you will be able to level up all the way to Level 54. Still, as you are going to be playing Clash Royale anyways, this gives you a set goal to look forward to.
If you thought that one Evolution was a game-changer, then wait until you use two of these in action simultaneously. As you can see in our Clash Royale Tier List, the Evolutions in the game rank very high among all units, so you will want to be able to have and use as many of these as you possibly can. This way, you can adapt and succed at practically any challenge that the game throws at you.