How to Plant Seeds in Lego Fortnite
Can’t figure out how to plant Seeds in Lego Fortnite? Yeah, I don’t blame you. The process is actually way more complicated than simply digging a hole and popping a seed into it. I mean, the first order of business is working out how to get Seeds in Lego Fortnite, which is a bit of a chore in and of itself. Only then can we start thinking about planting them. But don’t you worry, we’ll walk you through the whole process in this guide.

How to Get Seeds in Lego Fortnite
There are several ways you can get Seeds to plant in Lego Fortnite. In the beginning, you will mostly obtain them through hacking at and destroying bushes and opening random chests in caves. You won’t get much this way, but it’ll have to do in the beginning. Later on, after you get the recipe for the Grain Mill, you should invest into it. You can put plant food into the mill (like Raspberries, Corn, etc.) and it will spit out Seeds.
The recipe for the Grain Mill unlocks after you first craft a Granite Slab. And to do that, you have to make a Rock Breaker. That turns regular Granite into slabs (same with Marble). The Grain Mill “costs” twenty Knotroot Rods, twenty Granite Slabs, and three Shells.
How to Plant & Grow Seeds in Lego Fortnite
In order to plant and grow Seeds in Lego Fortnite, you need to make a Garden Plot. One plot requires two Soil and one Fertilizer. The latter is pretty easy, as we’ve explained in a previous guide: just collect the poop nuggets that quite literally drop from animals.
As far as Soil goes, you first need to make Planks and Wooden Rods. Along the way, you’ll unlock the recipe for a Shovel. It takes three Rods and one Plank. Once you have a Shovel, pick a spot and start digging. You can stay in one spot, because no hole will appear no matter how long you excavate. I know, interesting twist. As you keep digging, you’ll slowly gather Soil. Place a Garden Plot when you have the resources, then put a Seed or a stack of Seeds into the middle.
All that’s left to do after you plant Seeds in Lego Fortnite is to wait for them to grow. You’ll now they’re ready when you get the “Collect” prompt. Those of you that have planted a stack will have to do the harvest for the next batch to grow. Once you’ve harvested every seed, the plant will juts kinda stand there until you add more Seeds.