How to Move & Rotate Building Objects in Palworld
In Palworld, you are going to be doing a lot of crafting, building, and interacting with all sorts of Pals (the Pokemon-like critters of this world). As the game features a lot of different gameplay systems, it’s important that you understand how each of them works. The problem is that the game doesn’t really do a good enough job explaining many of these. For example, you may be wondering how to move and rotate building objects in Palworld, and if this is even possible to do. But no to worry, as we’re here to explain how this can be done in Palworld.

How to Rotate and Move Building Pieces in Palworld
First of all, you need to be aware that you can’t really move or rotate built objects once you’ve placed them on the ground. Luckily, this doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything you can do about them being in a spot or position that you don’t like. So while you can’t rotate them, you can dismantle them instead. To do this, you need to first go into the Build Menu. Press B (if playing on PC) or the D-pad on your controller (if playing on Xbox). After that, enter the Disassembly Mode by pressing C (on the PC) or the right stick (on Xbox).

You can now select which object you want to disassemble. Doing this will cause it to be destroyed, but – if it hasn’t been damaged – will also give you back the materials you have used to build it. And now you can select a better spot and position where you can place this object. Of course, you can always destroy it with a weapon, but doing that way that won’t give you back the resources you spent constructing it. Because of that, it’s always better to disassemble an object and build and place it somewhere else.