How to Get Capital Gold Clash of Clans
The Clan Capital update for Clash of Clans is here! As the name suggests, the update introduces Clan Capitals, a hub where all players from a clan can contribute to building a massive base composed of numerous districts. These districts work similarly to your Village. Each district has a District Hall (equivalent to a Town Hall), and district buildings lie in ruins, for which you pay to bring them back to life. For this and other upgrades in a Clan Capital, Capital Gold is an essential new resource. But how to earn more Capital Gold and farm it quickly? Read on to find out.

How to Farm Capital Gold in Clash of Clans Fast
Earning as much as you can Capital Gold quickly is essential for players who want to advance a District in their Clan Capital. Capital Gold is your primary resource for upgrading District Hall, restoring ruins, unlocking upgrades, and more. However, as with most other resources in Clash of Clans, they might be tricky to farm quickly, and will often require players to put some money into the game.
The first and basic thing you need to do is to set up a Forge. The Forge is a new building that unlocks at Town Hall level 6. You will find the Forge right next to the Air Ship which you use to travel to your Clan Capital. The Forge’s purpose is the production and collection of Capital Gold. Although, this is a rather small amount, and thus you will develop your District slowly.
If you are a high-level Town Hall player, you can assign Builders and exchange resources for Capital Gold. This, of course, means that you need a free builder for this purpose. If you have the Gold Pass, the Builder Boost can significantly speed up Capital Gold crafting time at the Forge. The same goes with Builder Potions. And that’s about it. Unfortunately, most of these methods require you to pay real-life money, but’s something Clash of Clan players are used to.