How to Buy Multiple Packs With Gold Hearthstone
Not sure how to buy multiple packs simultaneously with Gold in Hearthstone? We’ve got you covered! Hearthstone’s 22nd expansion, March of the Lich King, is here, and it is one of the most exciting ones yet! It brings a brand new class – the Death Knight, along with the new rune system and much more. If you are planning on buying a lot of packs for the new expansion with gold, it can be exceptionally tedious to buy packs one by one. This guide explains how to purchase more than one pack at a time with gold in Hearthstone.

How to Buy Multiple Packs Simultaneously With Gold in Hearthstone
Since the dawn of Hearthstone, the purchasing menu for a specific pack type has remained unchanged. Sure, the in-game shop has transformed dramatically over the years. But that window where we buy packs from an expansion is more or less the same as it was eight years ago.
When you enter the shop and select a type of pack you want to purchase, you’ll be presented with a screen showing packs visually depicted in the middle. Their visual representation will change depending on how many packs you are buying. And on the left side of the screen, you’ll see purchasing options. Only the first one, which says “1 pack”, is an option to purchase with gold. The other options for more packs are showing prices in real-world money.
However, before an expansion drops, many players save a lot of gold to buy as many packs as possible from the new expansion. And it can be rather tedious to purchase a single pack 40 times, for example. So, is there a way to buy them all at once? Well, yes, there is! And it’s quite simple. All you need to do is to double-click or double-tap on the “1 Pack – 100 Gold” option. A new window will open, asking you to type in how many packs you want. Simply enter the number, click “OK”, and proceed to buy the packs. And that’s it! Have fun with the new expansion, and good luck with the pack opening!