How to Beat Chargers Helldivers 2
Chargers are an enemy in Helldivers 2 that many players are wondering how to beat. This enemy can be very difficult to deal with, especially early on in the game. If you don’t take care of them, they can easily cause a lot of trouble for you and your squad. Luckily, there is a way to defeat Chargers. We are going to show you how to beat Chargers in HD2 right here. Once you learn this trick, you won’t have to worry about fighting them ever again.

Helldivers 2 How to Beat Chargers
Like their name suggests, Chargers will charge at you, trying to trample you underneath their big legs. Because of this, it’s best to quickly deal with them before they’ve had the opportunity to become too big of an issue. The problem here is that most of the Charger is heavily armored. This means that they will be able to deflect less powerful weapons. As such, you are going to need to adapt to this and take advantage of the Charger’s weaknesses.
It has two of these. The first one is to concentrate heavy fire on the part of its body that isn’t armored – its backside. A squadmate can distract it, and while it is focused on them, you and the rest of the team can take it out from behind. The other method is to blow off some of its armor, exposing its soft fleshy bits underneath. You can do this with the Expendable Anti-Tank (EAT) Launcher or the Recoilless Rifle. You can take out a Charger if you aim an EAT or two at one of its legs, or you can use it to remove a piece of its armor, which will then leave it vulnerable and open to conventional weapons. In any case, the Charger won’t be a problem if you utilize these strategems against it.