How to Add Sockets - Larzuk Diablo 2 Resurrected
Knowing how to add sockets in Diablo 2 Resurrected is pretty important. Item sockets allow you to add runes and gems to make the items more powerful, up to the point of creating Runewords that provide amazing bonuses. However, getting more sockets on an item in D2 is not exactly easy. There are two methods, and neither of them is simple, which makes sense. They don’t want to let you become too powerful to easily or early. So, in this guide, we’ll show you how to add sockets to items in Diablo 2 and where to find Larzuk.

How to Add Sockets to Items – Larzuk Quest Diablo 2 Resurrected
To add sockets to items in Diablo 2 Resurrected, one method is to complete a quest called “Siege on Harrogath” for Larzuk, an NPC in the town in Act V. Head to The Bloody Foothills, find Shenk the Overseer, kill him, and report back to Larzuk. He will then offer to socket one item for you. He only does it once per difficulty level, which means you can only do this three time per character. The number of sockets Larzuk creates on an item depends on both item rarity and level. Here’s how it works.
- Unique, Rare, Set items – one socket
- Magic items – one to two sockets, at random
- White and Gray items – Maximum amount of sockets based on item level, calculated based on the level of the monster that dropped it, which scales with difficulty.
What this means is that you have to get white items to drop from high enough level monsters. Number of sockets an item can get depends entirely on the level of the item. Level of the item on the other hand depends entirely on the level of the monster that dropped it. Because of this for most weapons and shields that can have 4+ sockets created by Larzuk you will have to wait until at least Nightmare difficulty Act I. There are normal white crystal swords that can drop in Act V on normal difficulty. These can be high enough level (item level 26 to 40) to get full 4 sockets. For 4 socket shield you will have to wait until Hell difficulty to get white Monarch shield to drop.
How to Add Sockets with the Cube – Diablo 2 Resurrected
To add sockets in Diablo 2 Resurrected with the Horadric Cube, the first step is to actually get the thing, as we cover in our Horadric Cube guide. Basically, you’ll get a quest to find it in Act II, and it’ll be in the third level of the Halls of the Dead dungeon in Dry Hills. You will have to defeat Bloodwitch the Wild to get her treasure chest. Once you get the Cube, follow the recipes listed below to roll a random number of sockets on an item. Just keep in mind that it only works on white gear.
- Body Armor: Tal Rune + Thul Rune + Perfect Topaz + Normal Armor
- Helm: Ral Rune + Thul Rune + Perfect Sapphire + Normal Helm
- Shield: Tal Rune + Amn Rune + Perfect Ruby + Normal Shield
- Weapon: Amn Rune + Perfect Amethyst + Normal Weapon
There’s a cool formula that will help you understand your chance of getting the maximum number of sockets an item can have. For a level 30 crystal sword it can have 4 sockets maximum. This means that you have 1/6 chance of getting one socket, 1/6 chance for 2 sockets, 1/6 chance for three sockets and 3/6 chance of getting 4 sockets with the Horadric Cube Wapon socket recipe. For 6 socket item you have equal chance of getting any number of sockets.
Can I add 3 sockets to blue Helm?
How to socket an Arreats Helm without the socket quest. What is cube recipe
1 Ral rune, 1 Thul rune and a perfect sapphire with the helm in the cube will add a random number of sockets. It has to be a normal helm, white or gray(ethereal) so if you mean Arreat’s Face, you can only add one socket to this from Lazurk.
The item cannot have any sockets for either socket method. Additionally statis like Superior can effect if a socket can be added.
I tried using larzuk to add another socket to an already 3 socket weapon. Do the weapons have to be normal with no status to add another socket? In so confused
I have wonderful unique armor. It has no sockets. I am afraid that if I have Larzuk add a socket, it will change or eliminate the item properties
Does this happen ?
Unique items get only one socket when using Larzuk’s quest. This does not change any of the item’s other properties. Usually, people use Larzuk to get the exact number of sockets they need for a particular runeword, because farming an item with the exact number of sockets is egregious grind. This means they do not use him for sockets in unique gear. One socket simply does not make a big difference.
Will Larzuk socket bramble mitts? I’ve completed the A5 Q1 and have the option to socket an item but I cannot drop the mitts into the anvil when it is displayed. I CAN drop another item.. I just cant drop in Bramble mitts. They DO NOT currently have a socket.
Gloves, shoes and belts can’t have sockets at all. Neither can rings and amulets.
switch to the old graphics and it will work
Gloves cannot have or get sockets.
Weapon: RAL RUNE + Amn Rune + Perfect Amethyst + Normal Weapon