How to Know if a Pack Is Board or Walkout? - FIFA 22 Pack Animation
FIFA 22 is out in a few days, and you all know what that means – new pack animations! But how will you be able to know if a pack is a Board or a Walkout? Well, as it turns out, there are a couple of indicators that you can use as tells to reliably determine which one of these it will be. In this comprehensive How to Know if a Pack Is Board or Walkout? – FIFA 22 Pack Animation guide, we will discuss all of these so that you, too, will be able to tell these apart just by visual cues alone.

How to Know if a Pack Is Board or Walkout in FIFA 22
FIFA 21 was heavily criticized over its lengthy Pack animations, so FIFA 22 decided to speed this up. The Walkout is the easiest one to recognize, since you will see the player literally walk out on to the field. The player will then be accompanied by three flame throwers celebrating them. This happens when you get a Card with a rating above 86. There is a special animation for the best players, those that have a rating above 88. You will be able to recognize this animation via the spotlights at the top. If these light up as well, then you’ve got an excellent card.
In contrast to this, Boards are a lot blander. If it’s a Card that has a score of 82 or below, you will just get a static shot of a Card, accompanied by its score. On the other hand, if the Card has a score of between 83 and 85, the animation will be a bit more lively here. This Card will be accompanied by a single flame thrower. While it’s much less interesting than the Walkout animation, it’s still not as dull as the ones that are 82 or under.