How to Change Club Name - FIFA 22
FIFA 22 is here, and many people are wondering how to change their club name. Using this feature can help you customize your own squad. Who wouldn’t want to start from the ground up and become European champions? Available in FIFA Ultimate Team mode, you will be taking your squad from zeros to heroes in no time. Read on as we discuss how to change the club name in FIFA 22.

How to Rename Your Club Name in FIFA 22
Start in the foundation’s section under basics. This provides all the skills you need in FIFA ultimate team (FUT). Once you have selected basics, the next menu will display an option for the club name. Click on this and it will bring up the FUT hub and change club name option.

This drop-down has three sub-menus. The first is the official club name. Make sure you get it correct and put in the full display title. Clicking on it will bring up a keyboard menu that will let you input the credentials.
The second option is an abbreviation. This is the shorter version that will be on scoreboards and league tables. Make sure no other teams currently use this abbreviation in FIFA 22. Clicking on this will take you to a keyboard menu to change the shorter club name in FIFA 22.
At the bottom, you can confirm your club name. It will ask if you are happy with what you have chosen, and you can continue. You will then have your own club up and ready to go.
After this, you need to hone your skills on the field. If you are playing on the preorder, remember that you only have 20 hours. You will have to wait until the official release date once this is up. Check back here for updates and helpful how-to guides to perfect your FIFA 22 team.
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