How to Bind Account in Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile
Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile is a recently-released mobile title set in the rich fantasy setting of FMA. Currently, the game is only available in Japanese, though a Western release is almost certainly on the way. If you are interested in checking out the title before that, you will need to know how to link your account to the game. To help you out with this, we’re going to explain the entire process of how to bind your account in Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile right here.

How to Link Account in Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile
The first step is to, of course, download the game and start it. On the main menu screen, you will see two icons in the top-right corner of the screen. Press the lower icon, the one with the Square Enix logo. Doing this will take you to the Square Enix Bridge. Here, there is an orange log in button, again in the upper right corner. Press it. Select the first option here – ” Square Enix Account”. This will take you to a new screen. At the bottom, you will see the option to “Register for a Sqaure Enix Account”, so press it. On the next screen, it’s important that you pick Japan as your region.
Doing this will switch the language on the page over to Japanese. If you are using Chrome, you should be able to Google Translate it back to English (or some other language). Next, create your ID and password. After that, your email and birthday. Note that you need to remember the date you put in here (in case you are not using your actual birthdate), since the game is going to ask you for this information if you ever want to change something in the settings. Press the “I’m not a robot” button. You will now receive a verification email to the email address that you have specified here.
Once you have done all that, go back into the game, but this time – press the icon above the Square Enix logo at the Start screen. In here, you will see an icon that depicts two phones. Press it. This will bring you to the Square Enix Bridge website. Since you now have a Square Enix Account, you can log in using that info. And that’s how you bind your account in Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile. If you are still unsure about any of these steps, this video does a great job showing the entire process.