Honkai Star Rail Final Beta Sign Up
The Honkai Star Rail final beta sign up is live, and aspiring Trailblazers will surely want to know how to throw their hat in the ring, so to speak. Well, that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about in this guide. We will explain how to sign up for the 3rd Honkai Star Rail, and how long the window will be open.

How to Sign Up for Honkai Star Rail 3rd Beta
To sign up for the Honkai Star Rail third and final beta, you first have to wait for the signups to go live. They begin on January 24th, 2023 and end on February 2nd. So, that’s most likely already live as you’re reading these lines. That being the case, head over to this link and click the big ole “Sign-Up” button. Follow the steps from there, and you’ll be good to go. There’s also an FAQ if you have any questions. Just be sure that you read all the fine print carefully before you give out your information and/or sign any NDA’s or whatever the developers may ask of you. This should go without saying, but it’s good to remind you, just in case.
So, that’s how you sign up for the final, third beta for Honkai Star Rail. By the way, pre-registrations for the full game are open, and apparently, completing the final beta sign-up will count as pre-registration. The more people pre-register, the more in-game rewards everybody gets. After sign-ups close, those of you lucky enough to get access will get confirmation via email and text message, so be sure to fill the form carefully. You’ll also be able to check whether you got access via the Check Access page. This will go up some time after sign-ups wrap up, so be patient. By the way, Honkai Star Rail will only be available on PC, iOS and Android at this time.