Hologram Shark Value Pet Simulator X
The Hologram Shark has arrived to Pet Sim X. This Exclusive pet was added with the – very appropriately named – Hologram update to PSX. The Hologram Shark features a great design, as it looks like a happy little shark that is blue and translucent – exactly how we imagine that science fiction holograms function and appear. If you want to get the Hologram Shark in Pet Simulator X, then you are no doubt wondering what its value is. We are going to list out all the different variant values for this pet, and also explain how you can obtain it in PSX.

Pet Sim X Hologram Shark Value
The value of the Hologram Shark in Pet Simulator X depends on the variant that you are aiming for. Rarer variants are, of course, a lot more expensive than the regular Hologram Shark. But, as we’ll see, even it is pretty costly. The Normal variant is estimated to be worth around 1 Billion Diamonds. The Shiny Hologram Shark 4 Billion Diamonds, the Golden 3 Billion Diamonds, the Rainbow 12 Billion Diamonds, and the Dark Matter 40 Billion Diamonds. Though, you need to be aware how these value estimates work. They are just that – rough estimations of how much a particular pet is worth. Also, they change from day to day. But this should give you a general idea of how much you can get or sell them for.
How to Get Hologram Shark in Pet Simulator X
Besides trading for it, you can get the Hologram Shark in Pet Sim by hatching it from the Exclusive Pets Egg. There are several pets you can get from this egg, and here are the odds of getting each one: Hologram Shark (50% chance), Hologram Tiger (35% chance), Hologram Axolotl (13% chance), Huge Hologram Shark (1.25% chance), Huge Hologram Axolotl (0.7% chance), and Titanic Hologram Cat (0.05% chance).