Hollowfang Battlegear V Rising
In V Rising, the name of the game is survival. For that, you will need to build up your castle, master your vampiric abilities, and craft the best gear that you can get your undead claws on. One of the better sets of loot that you will be able to get is the Hollowfang Battlegear. Of course, since V Rising has a very strict and preset progression path, you will need to do a couple of things first before you can acquire it. In this guide, we are going to show you how to get the Hollowfang Battlegear in V Rising.

How to Craft Hollowfang Battlegear in V Rising
To be able to craft Hollowfang Battlegear in V Rising, you will need to upgrade your Castle until you are then able to interact with your Blood Altar. When you click on it, you will then see the list of all V Blood Carriers. These are special Boss characters and when you dispatch them and consume their blood, you will gain special powers, as well as access to new buildings and recipes. The V Blood Carrier you are looking for is Quincy the Bandit King. This Level 37 enemy can be found in the Farbane Woods region. So turn on the “Track Blood” option which will take you straight to him.
Once Quincy is down, you will gain the Chaos Barrier and Merciless Charge powers, Smithy and Tailoring Bench structures, and Iron Ingot, Iron Weapons, and Hollowfang Battlegear recipes. Once you construct the Tailoring Bench, you can then craft the Hollowfang Battlegear by interacting with it. It consists of the following armor pieces: Hollowfang Chestguard, Hollowfang Leggings, Hollowfang Gloves, and Hollowfang Boots. If you are having trouble with other V Rising questions, we suggest you check out our V Rising archives, as we have written quite a few in-depth guides for the game.