Happy Clinic Halloween 2022, Spooky School Trip Explained
In our Happy Clinic Halloween 2022, Spooky School Trip Explained guide, we are going to explain how the event works. As in, we will be discussing what you need to do in the Halloween event, including how to get the toys and how to give them to children. Let’s begin, shall we?

Spooky School Trip Happy Clinic Halloween 2022 Event Explained
The Halloween 2022 event in Happy Clinic, Spooky School Trip, requires you to collect various Halloween gifts and take them to children. Now, the game does a fairly bad job of explaining what you actually need to do. Finding toys scattered across the clinic is one thing. Some of them are out in the open, others are a bit more hidden. Also, some floors spawn way more toys than there are kids, and vice versa. The toys aren’t as much of the problem as the children, though. You might think that you need to give the gifts to the patients, but nope. They’re actually for the kids that are shadowing the doctors. They’ most commonly stand right behind a doctor, making them really difficult to spot. And that’s not the only issue.
In order to complete the Spooky School Trip 2022 Halloween event in Happy Clinic, you need to pick up a toy and give it to a kid by tapping precisely on the child itself. Not the doctor, not the bed they’re standing at, not the patient. It has to be the child specifically. If there’s something you need to give the doctor first, then you have to do that before tapping on the kid. If a child you were trying to give the toy to walks away, you might have the chance to give the toy to another kind that’s walking with a doctor. Again, the toys are for these visitors only, not the patients. If you have any tips of your own to share, feel free to leave them in the comments.
I get a weird bug since the Halloween patch. After a competed level the doctor is on screen with a mask and just writes notes it plays this animation over and over but I can’t click on anything or anywhere and nothing happens so I have to shut the game down and launch it again, so weird.
Thanks for the explanation! I blew several speed walking buffs thinking I had to hold two matching ones the entire round. I… I don’t even know how ere supposed to know what to do at ALL!! I call shenanigans!! Shenanigans I say!!!
Thank I had given up on this event