Snowman Wacky Wizards How to Get Snowman Ingredient in Christmas Update
It’s the holiday season, and many games have gotten Winter and Christmas-themed updates to celebrate this fact. Wacky Wizards is one such game, and its recent Xmas update has added a lot of new stuff into the game. One of these is the Snowman, which you will be able to get and use in your potions there. But first you will need to trade it for 1,800 Candy Canes. There are several ways to acquire these, and in this Snowman Wacky Wizards How to Get Snowman Ingredient in Christmas Update guide, we will show you all of them in this Xmas Event.

How to Get Snowman Wacky Wizards Christmas Update
Like we already mentioned, in order to be able to get the Snowman, you will need to amass 1,800 Candy Canes in Wacky Wizards. The first of these methods is to simply find Candy Canes. They are scattered all over the map. You can see their locations in our video down below. The best strategy here is to brew up a flying potion and look for them in the air. They respawn every 5-10 minutes. The second way to get Candy Canes is to use snowballs to hit snowballs targets. These can also be found all over the map. They are circular, red and white targets, which have a bunch of snowballs in front of them. Approach them, take a snowball, aim for the target, and hit it to get your Candy Canes.
The Gift Board is the third and final way to get Candy Canes. When you look at the Gift Board, you will see that certain gifts can be gifted to certain characters. So, Dynamite goes to Goblins, the Gun to Dumpster Diver Dan, Honey to Witches, Beans to Oz, and Giant’s Ear to Foryxe. Get these items and then go to the Gift Board to have the Elf there wrap up these presents. Then, give them to the correct characters and they will reward you with Candy Canes. And, after you have 1,800 Candy Canes, you can then trade these and get the Snowman.