How to Get Hot Rash Critical Tower Defense CTD
Did you know that you can get Hot Rash in your Critical Tower Defense Roblox game? However, doing so isn’t that straightforward, and you can easily fail to do so if you don’t know exactly what you are doing. If you have played the Roblox game HOURS by supperrun100, then you are already familiar with Hot Rash, who is a host there. If you are one of the many players wondering how to receive this character in CTD, our How to Get Hot Rash Critical Tower Defense CTD guide will explain everything you need to do here.

How to Get Hot Rash in Critical Tower Defense CTD
To be able to get the Hit Rash Tower, you will first need to be at least Level 15. If you are not, level up until you reach Level 15. Next, go the Lobby. After that, find where the Server Age Board is. You will be able to easily recognize it – it is up on the ceiling there, and it has the written “Server Age: __s” on it. The seconds are constantly being counted on there, like a giant stopwatch. Approach it as close as you can, but be careful not to fall down from the edge. What you need to do next is to click on it. Specifically, the silver metal bar directly below the timer.
You will need to click on this spot exactly 20 times. Click once for each second that passes. The best way to do this is to time it like that. If you click too fast or too slow, the silver bar will briefly flash red, indicating that you have messed up, and that you need to start over again. You will know that you have done it correctly when Hot Rash’s symbol appears from your character. And now you can go into your inventory and equip Hot Rash.