How to Get Arcane Capsule in League of Legends - Twitch Drops
Arcane is a new Netflix show set in the League of Legends universe. To celebrate its premiere, developer Riot Games are giving out a special reward in the form of the Arcane Capsule. You can get this as a Twitch Drop. Of course, there are a couple of things you will need to do in order to claim this. Luckily, our How to Get Arcane Capsule in League of Legends – Twitch Drops guide is here to explain this entire process with a step-by-step explanation.

How to Get Arcane Capsule in LOL – Twitch Drops
To qualify for receiving the Arcane Capsule, you will need to watch the RiotX Arcane Stream. The stream was already broadcasted on November 6th, to coincide with the premiere of the TV show. But don’t worry, you’ll get another chance to claim this. A rebroadcast will occur on November 19th, and you can watch it then. The Arcane Capsule itself contains a lot of goodies. This includes 3 random skin shards, a 1.5x multiplied drop rate for gemstone and mythic skin, and a 3.5% to get an Arcane Inventor’s Grab Bag. This Grab Bag includes a guaranteed 2 Innovation Skin Shards, 1 Skin Shard that is worth 1350 RP or less, and a 10% to get 2 extra Innovation Skin Shards.
There are two ways you can get the Arcane Capsule. The first of these involves watching the rebroadcast on the official Arcane website. Log in with your Riot games account in the upper right corner, and after watching the rebroadcast, you will be able to claim your reward. The other method requires that you first log into your Riot Games account on Twitch. You will need to link your Riot Games and Twitch accounts. Again, watch the rebroadcast on one of the content creators which have partnered with Riot games for this. After that, head to the Twitch Drop page to claim your prize. It can sometimes take up to 24h until your rewards are added to your game, so be patient.