Fireball Cat Value Pet Simulator X
If you want to know what the Fireball Cat Value in Pet Simulator X is and how to get one, you’re in the right place. The new Mythical pet was added to the game relatively recently (at time of writing), so most players don’t know much about it yet. In this guide, we are going to give you the current estimated value of the Fireball Cat and more.

Pet Sim X Fireball Cat Value
The value of the Pet Sim X Fireball Cat is really, really high. It makes sense, because it is a very rare pet, as we’ll explain in the next section. In the list below, we are going to give you the current prices in Diamonds for the Fireball Cat. Just keep in mind that these fluctuate over time, so these are more estimates than exact numbers. Also, if you manage to get any version of the Fireball Cat in Hardcore Mode, its value will grow by at least two zeroes. With all of that said, here’s the list.
- Normal Fireball Cat Value – five billion Diamonds (5,000,000,000)
- Golden Fireball Cat Value – ten billion Diamonds (10,000,000,000)
- Rainbow Fireball Cat Value – twenty-five billion Diamonds (25,000,000,000)
- Dark Matter Fireball Cat Value – two hundred billion Diamonds (200,000,000,000)
How to Get Fireball Cat in Pet Simulator X
Now that we know its value, let’s explain how to get the Fireball Cat in Pet Simulator X. The new creature was added to the game on July 22nd, and it’s really rare, so we don’t yet know everything about it. From what we can tell, the only way to get a Fireball Cat is by hatching a Yeet Egg, aka an egg from the Yeet World. Now, I have also seen people claim that you can hatch the new Cat from a Wild Egg. If this is true, please confirm it in the comments. The one thing we know for certain is that the Fireball Cat is a Mythical Pet, which is why it’s so rare. That also explains the exorbitant value and why the prices are currently still wildly unstable.