Fire Emblem Engage Release Date And Time
The Fire Emblem Engage release date and time is coming really close, and I’m sure fans of the series will want to know when the game comes out. Well, that’s exactly what this guide will be all about. Switch releases do not work like other consoles or PC stores, which can cause confusion sometimes. So, let’s clear things up.

When Does Fire Emblem Engage Come Out
Fire Emblem Engage comes out on January 20th, but the exact release date and time does vary depending on your location. According to Nintendo, new games usually comes out at 2 PM GMT, or 3 PM CET. That translates to 9 AM Eastern Time / 6 AM Pacific Time in the United States. On the other side of the world, that’s 11 PM Japanese / Korean time, or 1 AM on the 21st Canberra time. I think you can take it from there and do your own math. Pre-ordered content becomes available on launch day, and you’ll be able to start playing after downloading a small update. At least, that’s usually the case. The same will probably be true for this game, too.
So, that’s the most likely release date and time for Fire Emblem Engage. Now, do keep in mind that, sometimes, third-party games come out a few hours later, at 5 PM GMT / 6 PM CET. So, just add three hours to the times we’ve listed above, and you’ll be good to go. Long story short, keep checking for the game in the time frames we’ve provided. It will come out eventually. And, yes, the game is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch. Fire Emblem Engage is a tactical JRPG, which puts it at the top of the list of games that are absolutely not for me. But, well, that’s beside the point; if it’s up your alley, I’m sure you’ll adore it!