Final Fantasy XIV Cerberus Mount
Cerberus Mount in Final Fantasy XIV is a new mount that you can earn by completing the newly-added content in Update 5.45. Specifically, you have to complete the new Delubrum Reginae raid. However, your troubles don’t end there; you still have several more hoops to jump through. Obviously, everyone wants to get their hands on the FF14 Cerberus mount. So, to hopefully help you out a bit, here’s our Final Fantasy XIV Cerberus Mount guide.

How to Get Cerberus Mount in FFXIV?
To get the Cerberus mount in FFXIV, you have to complete the Savage version of the new Delubrum Reginae raid. Obviously, this is gonna be pretty difficult. For one thing, you first have to unlock it. Then, after you do, you have to have the resources to enter the raid. To be more precise, it requires a full forty-eight-player alliance, a Resistance rank of 15, and 700,000 Mettle. The Delubrum Reginae raid is a Level 80 task, so you know you and your friends are going to have to really roll up your sleeves. However, with persistence, patience and coordination, you’ll emerge victorious eventually.
Once you beat the Delubrum Reginae raid, you’ll get the Savage Queen of Swords I achievement. Go into your Battle tab and check under Field Operations to see if it spawned properly. More importantly, however, in order to get the FFXIV Cerberus mount, you need to go and talk with Jonathas in Old Gridania (he should be at X:10, Y:6). After you have a chat with him, he’ll give you an item by the name of Cerberus Horn. All that’s left to do is to use the horn, and the FF14 Cerberus mount is yours.
Before we wrap up, there’s something that you need to know about the Cerberus mount in FFXIV. It is a unique item, and cannot be traded with other players or sold on the market. You absolutely have to earn it. On the bright side, Cerberus does have more than one seat. So, you can offer a ride to friends that haven’t been able to unlock the mount.