FIFA 22 Premier League TOTS Challenge 2 Requirements & Rewards
A bunch of new challenges have been released for FIFA 22. As any FIFA 22 player knows, these challenges are both fun to do, as well as challenging to complete. One challenge, in particular, stands out as being especially interesting and intimidating. The challenge in question is the Premier League TOTS Challenge 2. In this guide, we are going to show you the requirements you need to meet and the rewards you can get from the Premier League TOTS Challenge 2 in FIFA 22.

Premier League TOTS Challenge 2 Requirements in FIFA 22
Like the name of this challenge tells you, this is the second Premier League TOTS challenge. It’s a single-task SBC, which means that you won’t have to spend too much on it. This makes it great for beginner and veteran players alike. So, let’s see what the requirements for this challenge are:
- Number of players from England: A minimum of 1 is required.
- Same League Count: A maximum of 4 is required.
- Nationalities: A minimum of 3 is required.
- Rare: A minimum of 6 is required.
- Squad Rating: A minimum of 75 is required.
- Team Chemistry: A minimum of 90 is required.
- 11 players in the squad are required.
In order to complete it, you will need to spend approximately somewhere between 5000 to 7500 FUT coins. On the whole, this is a pretty cheap deal, so it’s not recommended that you use fodder for it. Another important thing to note here is that you will have two more days to complete this. After that, it will be gone for good, as it is (at least for now) a non-repeatable challenge. So, better get to it while you still have the time to do so. When you complete it, you will get a Rare Electrum Players pack as a reward. In any case, good luck with completing the FIFA 22 Premier League TOTS Challenge 2