FFXIV Ultimate Omega Weapons
The FFXIV Ultimate Omega Weapons are weapons that you can earn in the new Omega Protocol Ultimate Raid. There is a large number of them you can earn; although, there’s only one per class. In this guide, we are going to list all the different weapons you can earn in the new raid and show you how to access the activity in the first place.

Ultimate Omega Protocol Weapons in Final Fantasy XIV
There are nineteen different weapons you can earn in the Ultimate Omega raid in FFXIV, or Final Fantasy XIV. That’s one for each character class. All of them look pretty cool and ominous and way over-designed, as is Final Fantasy tradition. Of course, you’ll have to work hard and farm the raid until you get them, but hey, it might be worth the trouble. The list of weapons is below, and if you want to see what they look like, check out this video by Desperius FFXIV.
- Scholar – Omega Codex
- Sage – Omega Wings
- Astrologian – Omega Torquetum
- White Mage – Omega Cane
- Reaper – Omega Zaghnal
- Ninja – Omega Sickles
- Samurai – Omega Samurai Blade
- Dragoon – Omega Trident
- Monk – Omega Knuckles
- Black Mage – Omega Rod
- Red Mage – Omega Smallsword
- Summoner – Omega Grimoire
- Dancer – Omega Chakrams
- Machinist – Omegafire
- Bard – Omega Bow
- Paladin – Omega Sword
- Warrior – Omega Battleaxe
- Dark Knight – Omega Claymore
- Gunbreaker – Omega Bayonet
So, those are the weapons you can get from the FFXIV Ultimate Omega Protocol raid, but what about the raid itself? Well, in order to participate, you need to be a level 90 Disciple of War or Magic. You also need to talk to the Wandering Minstrel in Old Sharlayan (X:12.7 Y:14.2) After completing Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage). The raid time limit is 120 minutes, and you need to have eight players to enter. Upon completion, players will get a separate reward once per week. You can exchange said rewards with Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0) to receive the Ultimate Omega weapons.