EA FC 24 Foundations V Solution
Foundation V (or Foundations 5) is the name of an SBC in EA FC 24. It consits of: Defensive Development, A Better Buildup, Advancing Attack, and Multi League & Nation. All of these have different requirements and solutions that you need to keep in mind if your want to completed the Foundations V SBC. To help you do exactly that, here’s the solution for the entire EA FC 24 Foundations V.

How to Complete FC 24 Foundations 5 SBC
Let’s start with the Defensive Development. It requires you to have three Bronze players in the Squad, with a minimum of 1 Chemistry point on each player. You can easily do this with three players from the same league or nation. A good choice here are: Panwar, Ruivah, and Valpuia. You can get each of them for around 200 Coins. Next up, A Better Buildup. This is a difficiult one, since it can be bugged. Here’s how you can fix this Failed to Submit Challenge bug. Though it can require a bit of work to get it to complete like it should, this is probably going to be fixed soon. It has the same requirements as Defensive Development, and you can pick Sauer, Bizoza, and Boesen to do it.
For Advancing Attack, you can get Heggebo, Kjerrumgaard, and Traore. And, finally, the Multi League & Nation. This requires the following: max three players from the same league, max three players from the same nation, and a minimum of 6 Squad Total Chemistry Points. This can be done with the following players: Kattimani, Sangwan, and Khan. All in all, this is a great and cheap solution for Foundations V. And if you’d like to see how all of these look like in practice, YouTuber iHazCarrot has made an excellent video detailing all of these. It’s a very worthwhile watch.