Dragonheir Silent Gods Tier List 2023
Dragonheir: Silent Gods is an exciting new open-world fantasy RPG. In it, you will have access to several dozen characters that you can use to annihilate all that stand before you. Of course, just like in every RPG out there, some characters are simply better than others. If you want to really dominate in the game, you will need to pick the best possible characters. You can either play around in the game, experimenting with various character builds and combinations until you figure out which these are. Or you can simply read our Dragonheir Silent Gods Tier List 2023 to learn which ones are the most powerful.

Dragonheir Silent Gods Tier List of Best Heroes
Now, before we get into the rankings themselves, we need to clarify a couple of things first. To begin with, the game has only just been released. This means that there is a lot of room for characters to be buffed or nerfed, not to mention – for entirely new characters to be added in future updates. So it’s best if you think of this as a perpetual work in progress. And with that out of the way, let’s see what the Dragonheir: Silent Gods Tier List looks like:
- S Tier: Errich, Felicity, Gillian, Ergander, Rhash, Tonalnam, Flora, and Acilia.
- A Tier: Scharch, Caspar, Hochadir, Trolgar, Grishnaar, Lossenia, Frurbath, Schaltar, Oggok, Irzillas, Khrysos, Jathalea, Horrus, Sylvester, and Elecebre.
- B Tier: Varna, Sifris, Ripekas, Nedda, Loathair, Sagomir, Huldork, Vicuc, Heksandra, Voresh, Vicana, Lorentheel, Journ, Gaiolere, Donella, Liko, Naguk, Durango, Ghul’ende, Sutha, Shagrol, Bionphray, Torrin, Huberg, Felosia, Garian, Corrin, Scharlach, Isitarian, Vinyara, and Ivellios.
- C Tier: Questa, Ihuicatl, Alfie, Garett, Lucien, Tioh, Lorarii, Horace, Noteera, Gareth, Enna, Zeffi, Premtsa, Eli, Tharivol, Theodore, Shook, Dench, Hegio, Follie, Twitch, Caraman, Vidimir, Reytah, Eches, Ultior, Garrika, and Shink.
- D Tier: Zadok, Nastjenka, Martina, Korth, Thelendor, Tamar, Lelwanis, Gitouna, Rowena, Soveliss, Brody, Dane, Garius, Pargu, Mithrasea, Thia, Nimbus, Fungal-Glow, Talwer, Berengar, Nathaniel, Gatherine, Volthug, Duling, Clovis, Thea, Kamari, Auster, Thurnus, Alvis, Adolphus, Philto, Lola, Alton, Nessa, Gardrus, Isolde, Dorkuraz, Eurion, Leathander, Tathlyn, Fihrah, Lydia, Hvitar, Dallbam, and Gumm.