Disney Dreamlight Valley Stuck on Loading Screen Fix

The Disney Dreamlight Valley stuck on loading screen fix is something you might need in your time with the game. Sometimes, it just refuses to go past the loading screen. There are several potential causes for this issue, and therefore, several fixes that might work. In this guide, we are going to cover some of the most common reason for this error and how to solve them. So, with that said, let’s dive in.

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disney dreamlight valley stuck on loading screen fix
Disney Dreamlight Valley Stuck on Loading Screen Fix

How to Fix Disney Dreamlight Valley Stuck on Loading Screen

There are a few things that you can do to potentially fix the bug where Disney Dreamlight Valley gets stuck on the loading screen. That, however, depends on what the cause for the bug is. It can be internal and external, as it turns out. If the bug is on your end, then you’ve either run into a glitch or your internet connection is having hiccups. So, you have to check whether your connection is working, and if it isn’t, reboot your router. Another thing that seems to work is simply restarting the game. As in, no matter your platform, make sure to exit the app and shut it down completely, then restart it. That has apparently worked for a number of players.

On the other hand, if Disney Dreamlight Valley gets stuck on the loading screen but everything is working on your end, then you can’t really do anything to fix it. Why? Because that means it’s a server-side error. So, whatever is going on, the developers have to take care of it. Most commonly, the cause is server overload, so you just have to wait for the situation to clear up. For example, on launch day, Australians just could not get into Dreamlight Valley for love or money because everyone was trying to get in at the same time. Then, when things died down a bit, the “bug” went away. So, yeah, those are the potential solutions for the problem as far as we know. If you know something on the subject that we haven’t mentioned, let us know in the comments.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. C
    cheryl wiltse

    Help stuck on Error #5 I cant load and have done a lot on game I would hate to lose this. Please let me know what to do.

  2. S

    Oh I am def going through withdrawals now! I have a friend who said he MIGHT be able to fix- if so I will update and let you know how he does it! Fingers crossed ?

  3. G
    Gabriella menezes

    So, I’ve tried logging into the game after the newest update, but it keeps popping up with “game initialization error #(5)” I have restarted, uninstalled the game, turned off, and nothing seems to work. I check every day to see if it’s fixed and it says the same thing. It’s been about 5 days now. I don’t know what else to do.

  4. S

    After the latest update on April 5th, screen stops and gives game initialization error #5. I have done everything I know to do and am beginning to get highly frustrated.

    1. M

      I have the same problem, I want to play so badly I send them a message but i dind’t get an awnser? I hope they fix this problem

  5. A

    game is frozen on Game initialization error # 5. i’ve rebooted it a nd unplugged my ps4 many times internet connection is still good. other games work. but ths one stopped working after the update.

  6. T

    I am also stuck on the Game Initialization error #5 and no amount of restarting my Xbox or game is fixing the issue. I have put so many hours and days into this game and would be heartbroken- and mighty pissed off, if I loose all that work.

  7. T
    tammy echevarria

    my mouse wont move on the terms and services accept page i cant get past it. any ideas?

  8. L

    Hello I have Disney valley dreamlight and I have a problem that my loading when I start it up doesn’t load all the way and the middle of playing I get kicked out of my game completely and have to start the game again and again what can I do to help from being kicked off every time

  9. K

    hi its my 3rd day of playing Disney dreamlight valley and i was playing my game as normal i had just unlocked the beach and for some reason there was a invisible wall in my way so i thought that was very wired so reset the game and then reopened it and when it started to reboot back up it just said game initialization error #7 so im really upset and mad about this so pls fix it thx 🙂

  10. A

    I’ve been playing the last few days and I’ve had to restart 4 times because of the stupid initialising error #7 at the Home Screen when I try to select Continue. I’m playing on Xbox, internet connection is fine. Please fix it!!

  11. A

    I’ve been able to play just fine today and yesterday but when I went to log in around 9pm tonight, I got “game initialization error #5” and it won’t load the game. I tried restarting the game, my computer, and repairing the files. I have no idea what could’ve caused this and no idea how to fix it. Any help??

    1. A

      Same thing with me. But I’ve been playing offline so I don’t understand what is going on.

  12. H

    I’m on my first day, and in dropping a sunflower I have permanently gotten stuck on the loading screen. It been 3 hours and it won’t fix. Anyone got any fixes?