Diablo 3 Altar of Rites Co-Op Bug Fix
The Diablo 3 Altar of Rites co-op bug fix is something that a lot of you will likely need. Why? Because it’s bound to impact every single person that’s playing with friends and want to interact with the Altar of Rites. What exactly is going on and is there anything you can do about it? Let’s find out.

How to Fix Altar of Rites Co-Op Bug in Diablo 3
To fix the Diablo 3 Altar of Rites co-op bug, you have to go through a couple of fairly simple, if annoying steps. But first, let’s break the glitch itself down. What happens is, the first player to click on the Altar has full access to the upgrade tree and all of its benefits. This person can interact with everything as intended. The second person can go into the Altar menu, but can’t do anything in it. It has nothing to do with who’s hosting the game; it’s just a first come – first (and only) served kind of situation at the moment. I highly doubt that’s what the developers had envisioned, but it’s where we stand nonetheless. What is one to do?
Well, the only fix for the Altar of Rites co-op bug in Diablo 3 that we know of begins with both of you logging out of the game, then logging back in. Once both of you are back in the game, let the other player touch the Altar first. And then you just switch places like that so that both of you get a turn. Alternatively, the first player might have to remain offline while the other person does their stuff at the Altar. Also, there is a possibility that Player 1 has to exit the game entirely before anything happens. It’s a mess; one which the devs will hopefully be able to fix soon. In the meantime, you have to go through this rigmarole.
Other half cannot even open the rites to see the seals. We have both logged off and he tried this solo. It says to locate the alter off rights and then will not allow him to click any further to unlock the first seal. Not sure what else to do. He has also tried using my controller when logging into a game solo, but same issue.
Had this issue playing with my girlfriend. I clicked first. Unfortunately now, whether or not I am logged in, or if she clicks it first, she is unable to interact with the altar, it is essentially excluded from its benefits. Hopefully they get it fixed soon.
My husband and I had the same issue. It wouldn’t let me do anything at all. This last time, I logged him out and then closed the game from my account. When I reopened with just me, it let me do it finally… But I had to close the game, it didn’t work to just log him out. Hopefully that helps.
Thank you very much for this hint. We were very lost