Palworld Deploy a Work Pal to the Base
If you can’t figure out how to deploy a work Pal to the base in Palworld, don’t worry, you’re far from the only one. While the system is not that complicated at all, the game doesn’t do a great job of explaining what you’re supposed to do. Fortunately, it’s super-easy, barely an inconvenience, really. And I will grant you, the system is a little clunky, but you’ll get the hang of it in no time.

How to Deploy a Work Pal to the Base in Palworld
To deploy a Work Pal to the base in Palworld, the first step is to build a base, which I assume you’ve already done if you’re here. Then, place your first Palbox. Again, you’ve probably completed this step already, but we’re trying to cover all of our bases here. To craft a Palbox, you’ll need one Paladium Fragment, eight pieces of Wood, and three Stones. Once that’s out of the way, approach the Palbox, interact with it, and open the Palbox Management menu (F on the keyboard). In this new menu, you’ll see the Pals in your party on the left and those in the box in the middle> At the bottom, you’ll see a little section called “Pals at the base.”

The next step to deploy a Work Pal to your base in Palworld is to click and drag one of the Pals from either the box or your party down to the “Pals at the base” section. The higher level your base, the more slots you’ll have. In the beginning there’s only one, and that’s plenty to complete the tutorial quest. Now, different Pals are good for different tasks, so that’s something to keep in mind. However, for the most part, they’ll automatically do whatever chores you tell them to, or just imitate whatever you’re doing. And that’s basically all there is to it. If you need more help with Palworld, check out some of our other guides, like Pals Stuck in Combat Fix and Stuck in Walls, Rocks & Ground Fix.